Online part time data entry typing jobs with Keyforcash

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Online part time data entry typing jobs without investment with keyforcash

After long research I have found some Online part time data entry typing jobs without investment Legitimate online typing jobs with good pay records, please go through below mentioned company.

This is U.S based data entry services company where businesses who need help with data entry hire them to get this work done. The work almost "Income tax related information which as like, Costumer Names, Invoice number, county and city name. You sign up for free, take evaluation tests and then we should pass the test, then you will get confirmation mail to work. The work is on their server, so there is nothing sent back and forth, which can be a hassle. When you log in, the available work is there for you, so you click on a job and do it. There are screen shots of whatever it is they want entered, and you type it in. They send your payment directly to your paypal account when it reach 10 dollars. They do not advertise, all of their workers come from word of mouth, which is a good sign.

How do I approach them to get a job?

You sign up for a free account, and then go the evaluation center. There are three tests you have to take, so they can get an idea of how accurate you are with “keying.” That puts me out right there, as my backstroke key gets a lot of work. They are looking for speed and mostly accuracy. You really need to score 92% to have any chance of getting hired. If you hire they can send you confirmation mail, if you fail to reach 92% accuracy, you can take the test again. It can be hard to get the required grades on these tests, Its a time taking hardly one month, to get approval, if so many applications its also take more than two months, they can wait for the most accurate and speedy typists. 

Which technical stuff I required to get before working for them?

For this job, you need a computer with speed internet connection with JavaScript enable and Internet Explorer 8 , Firefox 3.5, Safari 4, or Google Chrome. So that is pretty easy, as most people have that for their everyday use. I recommend better to use Google Chrome, your images will get fast to enter.

What are the hours I would have to work?

You can pretty much work whenever you want, for as long as you want which would be great. But the problem is, there might not always be work available for you when you log into the system. This company seems to have most of its work from February to June or July. Tax season brings in customers. 

What kind of pay we expecting and talking about?

What they do is pay per 1000 key strokes or characters, and they have to be accurate key strokes. for different works we will get different pays, please go through below mentioned.

Invoice number (1000 key strokes) 0.10 cents

numbers and alphabetics (1000 key strokes) 0.10 cents

county and City names (1000 key strokes) 0.10 cents

Middle name and Time 0.15 cents

Unfortunately, the the pay per 1000 strokes has gone down. Here is the scoop, when the company first started back in 2001 they were paying 80 cents per 1000 keystrokes, then it went down to 50/1000 and then for a long time it was 40/1000. But in the past year or so it has gone down to as low as 15/1000 strokes. Currently is is going up, but it seems to change by the day. If whoever wants make some bucks, its really work, I suggest whoever have a good typing speed more than 70 wpm, they will get 4-5 dollars for hour, all the best for whoever going to join 

Keyforcash is very genuine Online part time data entry typing jobs without investment, you need paypal account and good typing skill.

below payments proof for Keyforcash.

If you want work on Keyforcash please click Here


  1. Thanks for sharing the information regarding the Online part time data entry typing jobs . Keep sharing more and more.Online Data Entry Work

  2. 352C0090ACJavier33D64EA9D72 January 2025 at 15:36

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